Thursday, May 14, 2020

Get It Done End The Procrastination Cycle With These Five Tips

Get It Done End The Procrastination Cycle With These Five Tips Photo Credit â€" Pixabay.comProcrastination: so many of us are so good at it that we’ve grown comfortable enough to consider it a lifestyle. That’s not necessarily the worst thing in the world… after all, there is no better motivation to get a task done than the stark awareness of it’s deadline that only comes once it is quickly careening right at you.Sure, in everyday life this can be manageable. You’ll finally get those dishes done when you run out of forks, and that laundry can wait until you run out of undies and have to go commando for a day. But at work, procrastination is not nearly as acceptable, or appreciated. Procrastination is productivity’s biggest enemy, and no boss likes unproductive employees.Even if you don’t live a wait-til-the-last-minute lifestyle, you can fall victim to the cushy allure of avoiding something you don’t want to do until you absolutely have to do it. It happens to the best of us. Fortunately, there are so many powerful ways to fight procrastination at work, so read on. Or bookmark this article and come back to finish it later. Whatever works…Step 1: Admit You Have A ProblemevalThis is the well-known first step to overcoming many a vices, and the same goes for those trying to break the cycle of procrastination. Just step up and admit that this may be something you have to work on. And then, you can get to work…Step 2: Good Morning!A productive work day starts at the very beginning, before you ever set foot in the workplace. Make sure that you start every day off right by drinking some water, eating some breakfast, and maybe doing a little stretching. Everyone is different, so here’s a list of 11 ways to improve your morning that you can pick and chose from to design your perfect, wonderful morning.Step 3: Save The Best For LastMark Twain referred to it as “eating your frog.” If you tackle the least pleasant task on your list first off, the rest of your day can be filled with other, more pleasant One of the best ways to combat this is to create and utilize your own set of tools to help you stay productive all day. Each of us is different, but there are some constants: making to-do lists, goals lists, taking frequent breaks, and making sure you get enough to eat and drink will help everyone. Beyond that, it’s best for you to play to your strengths.If you know you’re more productive when you bounce around between several tasks, it’s okay. Remember that sometimes keeping momentum going is more important than organization.For those that are more “Type A” personalities, organizing your time with a schedule and sticking to it is the best way to remain productive over long hours, and therefore, fight the urge to procrastinate.Good Luck!If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! A very large percentage of procrastinated tasks never end up getting done I hope these tips have been helpful, and please share any tips of your own in the comments.

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