Thursday, July 2, 2020

17 Resumes Qualifications - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

Link Roundup 9/8/17 Resumes Qualifications - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. If youre going to be starting your job search soon, its smart to begin working on your resume. Whether youre completely rewriting it or just doing some fine tuning, this weeks Link Roundup has all the tips you need. Weve also included advice on marketing yourself for a job even if you are under or overqualified. Finally, we end the links with a few tips to make you more successful at work. Read on! These Are the Worst Fonts To Use On Your Resume, According to Typographers and Designers One of the first things a hiring manager notices on a resume is a font. It can nicely present your skills and qualifications, but it can also stick out like a sore thumb. Obviously you dont want to choose a font that looks bad and discourages a hiring manager from reaching out to you. Thankfully, some typographers and designers have weighed in to help. This article neatly presents all of the fonts visually, so you can picture them on your resume. If youre struggling with the choice, or think you chose a bad font, check out this link. How to Avoid Being Considered Overqualified For A Job Finding out that you are overqualified for a job is frustrating for multiple reasons. For starters, it means you by far do possess the qualifications for the position, but are being turned away because of assumptions being made by the hiring manager. Theyre probably assuming that you want more money, or that you wouldnt last long, or that youd quickly get bored. However, these are all assumptions. If you are able to ease the hiring managers mind from those conclusions, you will have a better change at getting hired. This link can help you do just that. Top Resume Trends to Try Right Now (Plus, Two Trends to Ignore) It seems like every few months there is a new trending gadget. Last year was the hoverboard, and this year is dominated by fidget spinners. Everyone tries to capitalize on it right away, but sometimes the trends dont stick. This can be dangerous if you are following trends with your resume. This article describes which resume trends are worthwhile and which ones will fade quickly. Know the good trends from the bad trends by giving this article a quick read. Heres How to Get That Job, Even If Youre Underqualified It can be frustrating when most jobs you want have qualifications that are just slightly out of your reach. You may feel like it is pointless to apply, but there are certain things you can do to make your case and possibly land the job. You may have to work a littler harder to build a strong narrative of your career path to the hiring manager. If you can successfully accomplish this, you will be on track for success. This Is How to Spot a Lie On a Resume This article acts both as an instructional tool for hiring managers, and a cautionary tale for job seekers. No smart job seeker would want a hiring manager to think their resume may contain falsehoods. Reading this article might be a good idea to avoid any suspicion of lies on your resumes. A few common ones mentioned are unclear job start and end dates, vague education, and embellished responsibilities. These are all things that employers pick up on, so be mindful when drafting your resume. Stop Letting Email Control Your Work Day Weve included this helpful blog from the Harvard Business Review because so many workers lose time sifting through their email accounts. It becomes a problem that can cut into other important project and activities at work. Knowing how to approach it in a way that doesnt disrupt your schedule is incredibly important. The blog isnt vague in its instructions, so you should actually be able to develop a plan of attack and make a difference in your time spent reading emails. 6 Things Successful People Do When They Return From a Long Weekend Today marks the end of the 4 day work week following Labor Day for most employees. Days off are great, but sometimes they can leave you stressed and behind on work when you return. The suggestions presented here by BusinessInsider arent groundbreaking, but they are helpful. Since you may still be in weekend mode, having a few steps to follow will get you back on track in no time! Consider checking in on this article or developing a to do list for when you return from vacation or holidays. This weeks links have explored how to address the frustrations of being considered under or overqualified. Weve also examined a few easy ways that you can fine tune your resume for submission. No matter where your interest is, we hope you found something valuable in this weeks batch of links. Well be back with more next week!

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